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Managing Plugins

Plugins are a way to extend the functionality of Spin. Spin provides commands for installing and removing them, so you don’t need to use separate installation tools. When you have installed a plugin into Spin, you can call it as if it were a Spin subcommand. For example, the JavaScript SDK uses a tool called js2wasm to package JavaScript code into a Wasm module, and JavaScript applications run it via the spin js2wasm command.

Installing Plugins

To install plugins, use the spin plugins install command. You can install plugins by name from a curated repository, or other plugins from a URL or file system.

Installing Well Known Plugins

The Spin maintainers curate a catalogue of “known” plugins. You can install plugins from this catalogue by name:

$ spin plugins install js2wasm

Spin checks that the plugin is available for your version of Spin and your operating system, and prompts you to confirm the installation. To skip the prompt, pass the --yes flag.

The curated plugins catalogue is stored in a GitHub repository. The first time you install a plugin from the catalogue, Spin clones this repository into a local cache and uses it for future install, list and upgrade commands (similar to OS package managers such as apt). If you want to see new catalogue entries - new plugins or new versions - you must update the local cache by running the spin plugins update command.

Installing a Specific Version of a Plugin

To install a specific version of a plugin, pass the --version flag:

$ spin plugins install js2wasm --version 0.4.0

Installing a Plugin From a URL

If the plugin you want has been published on the Web but has not been added to the catalogue, you can install it from its manifest URL. The manifest is the JSON document that links to the binaries for different operating systems and processors. For example:

$ spin plugins install --url

Installing a Plugin From a File

If the plugin you want is in your local file system, you can install it from its manifest file path. The manifest is the JSON document that links to the binaries for different operating systems and processors. For example:

$ spin plugins install --file ~/dev/spin-befunge-sdk/befunge2wasm.json

Running a Plugin

You run plugins in the same way as built-in Spin subcommands. For example:

$ spin js2wasm --help

Viewing Available Plugins

To see what plugins are available in the catalogue, run spin plugins list:

$ spin plugins list
befunge2wasm 1.4.0 [incompatible]
js2wasm 0.3.0 [installed]
js2wasm 0.4.0
py2wasm 0.1.0 [installed]
trigger-sqs 0.1.0

The list command uses your local cache of the catalogue. This might not include recently added plugins or versions. Run spin plugins update to refresh your local cache of the catalogue.

The annotations by the plugins show their status and compatibility:

[incompatible]The plugin does not run on your operating system or processor.
[installed]You have the plugin already installed and available to run.
[requires other Spin version]The plugin can run on your operating system and processor, but is not compatible with the version of Spin you are running. The annotation indicates which versions of Spin it is compatible with.

Viewing Installed Plugins

To see only the plugins you have installed, run spin plugins list --installed.

Uninstalling Plugins

You can uninstall plugins using spin plugins uninstall with the plugin name:

$ spin plugins uninstall befunge2wasm

Upgrading Plugins

To upgrade a plugin to the latest version, run spin plugins upgrade. This has the same options as spin plugins install, according to whether the plugin comes from the catalogue, a URL, or a file:

$ spin plugins upgrade js2wasm
$ spin plugins upgrade --url
$ spin plugins upgrade --file ~/dev/spin-befunge-sdk/befunge2wasm.json

When upgrading from the catalogue, the upgrade command uses your local cache of the catalogue. This might not include recently added plugins or versions. Run spin plugins update to refresh your local cache of the catalogue.

By default, Spin will only upgrade plugins. If you want to allow Spin to roll back to an earlier version, pass the --downgrade flag.

Refreshing the Catalogue

The first time you install a plugin from the catalogue, Spin creates a local cache of the catalogue. It continues to use this local cache for future install, list and upgrade commands; this is similar to OS package managers such as apt, and avoids rate limiting on the catalogue. However, this means that in order to see new catalogue entries - new plugins or new versions - you must first update the cache.

To update your local cache of the catalogue, run spin plugins update.

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