Taking Bartholomew for a spin

This is a quickstart example of using Spin to deploy a Bartholomew CMS instance, locally on your machine. In this quickstart session, we use a Bartholomew site template which contains some pre-built parts (for your convenience). If you would like to build all of the parts separately from source (Spin, Bartholomew, File Server), please see the contributing section which dives a lot deeper than this quickstart example.

Getting the spin Binary

For Spin, follow the Spin quickstart guide which details how to either:

  • download the latest Spin binary release,
  • clone and build Spin using cargo, or
  • clone and build Spin from source.


This quickstart method uses a Bartholomew site template. So while we do require spin (as per the details above) everything else we need (to launch our Bartholomew CMS website) is packaged up in the Bartholomew site template. Including the bartholomew.wasm and the spin_static_fs.wasm files which take care of Bartholomew’s business logic and Spin’s file server needs, respectively. We will start working with the template in the next section.

Use the Bartholomew Site Template

We can now generate a new repository with the same directory and file structure as the aforementioned Bartholomew site template. Simply visit the template’s location on GitHub. Then click on the green Use this template button and follow the prompts. This will create a new repository in your GitHub account.

Here are some additional details about creating a repository from a template if you are interested.

Use template

Fetch Your Site

Clone the repository which you created in the previous step:

$ git clone <your-github-account> <your-repo-name>

Navigate into your newly cloned repository:

$ cd <your-repo-name>

Spin Up Your Site

Issue the following spin up command to launch your site on localhost:

$ spin up
Logging component stdio to ".spin/logs/"

Available Routes:
  bartholomew: (wildcard)
  fileserver: (wildcard)

As shown in the output above when you navigate to, you should see the website running.

Creating Your Content

Creating content is made easy with the Bartholomew Command Line Interface (CLI) tool. The Bartholomew CLI can create new blog posts in a single command and also validate the content (Markdown files) that you write. Let’s go ahead and install the Bartholomew CLI.

Bartholomew CLI

For the bart CLI, there are two options:

  • download the latest bart binary release and add it to your system path, or
  • clone and build bart from source (requires Rust), using the following commands:
# Change to home directory
$ cd ~
# Clone Bartholomew repository
$ git clone https://github.com/fermyon/bartholomew.git
# Change into Bartholomew directory
$ cd bartholomew
# Build the Bartholomew CLI
$ make bart

If make bart fails with make: cargo: No such file or directory, you need to install Rust from this link.

NOTE: The procedure in the example code block above will create the bart executable binary file inside the ~/bartholomew/target/release/ directory. Please ensure that this new binary executable is added to your system path.

Create Your First Blog Post

Ensure you are in the root directory of your previously cloned Bartholomew site template repository:

$ cd <your-repo-name>

You are now ready to start adding content to your new website. You will recall that we installed the bart CLI in a previous step. We can use this CLI to create a new blog post page.

Note below how we:

  • set the location where the post will be created i.e. content/blog,
  • set the name of the blog file protons.md, and
  • specify the author, template style and title.

Feel free to change these values when you run the command on your system:

$ mkdir content/blog
$ bart new post content/blog protons.md --author "Enrico Fermi" --template "blog" --title "On the Recombination of Neutrons and Protons"

The output from the above command will look similar to the following:

Wrote new post in file content/blog/protons.md

Validate Your Content

If you would like to check the validity of your content, you can run the following bart check command. Notice how we specify the location of the content we want to check. In this case, we are checking all of the Markdown files in the blog directory:

$ bart check content/blog/*

NOTE: We are running the above command from within the root directory of the Bartholomew site template repository (i.e. you may need to cd <your-repo-name> before running the above command).

If your syntax in the .md file is correct, you will receive an output similar to the following. Otherwise, you will receive an informative error message and a cross:

✅ content/blog/protons.md

Validating Content With Shortcodes

If some of your documents use shortcodes, then the shortcodes directory must be specified via the --shortcodes flag, as shown below:

$ bart check content/blog/* --shortcodes ./shortcodes

Viewing Your Changes

Running the spin up command from above (again) will render the post content at http://localhost:3000/blog/protons

Post content rendered by Bartholomew based on the blog template

Next, let’s explore how to build custom templates for our new website.