Bartholomew templates

In Bartholomew, layout is handled via templates. All templates are in the templates/ directory.

Handlebars is a simple template language well-tuned to HTML. While the version of Handlebars used in Bartholomew is written in Rust, not JavaScript, it works almost identically.

A Simple Template

Here is a simple HTML template with Handlebars:

<!DOCTYPE html>




The above sets the HTML document’s title to whatever is in page.head.title, and then fills in the body with the value of page.body.

Let’s take a brief look at the page object to understand what is happening here.

The page Object

In JSON, the page object looks like this:

    head: {
        title: "Some title",
        description: "Some description",
        template: "an optional template rather than using main.hbs"
        extra: {
            "key": "value",
            "description": "whatever is in the [extra] section of your Markdown doc's header"
    body: "<p>Some rendered Markdown content</p>",
    published: true

To access a part, you simply use a dotted path notation. So to get the value of key in the extra section, we use {{ page.head.extra.key }}.

The site Object

In addition to the page object, there is also a site object. site.pages contains the head section and content of every page in the site. site.pages is only populated for templates included in index_site_pages in site.toml as described in the configuration section:

    info: {
        title: "site title"
        about: "Site about information"
        base_url: "http://localhost:3000"
        extra: {
            copyright: "site-wide copyring (this is not required, since it's in extra)"
    pages: [

Note that the site.pages array has access to every single document in the content folder. See below for example values. This part of the API may change in the future, as it does not scale terribly well.

The env Object

The third top-level object is env, which holds all of the environment data.

The env object is a set of keys and values:


You can dump the entire contents of env using a template like this:

    {{#each env}}
    <li><code>{{@key}}</code>: <code>"{{this}}"</code></li>

The request Object

The fourth top-level object is request, which holds all the details about the HTTP request, the path of this resource, and other Spin information.

The request object is a set of keys and values:

    spin-full-url: "http://localhost:3000/test"

You can dump the entire contents of request using a template like this:

    {{#each request}}
    <li><code>{{@key}}</code>: <code>"{{this}}"</code></li>

Including a Template

It is possible to include a template into another template. For example, if we want to include the navbar.hbs template, we use a “partial” include like this:

{{> navbar }}

Note that we drop the .hbs suffix when including this way.

Calling Template Helpers

There are a few template helpers defined in Bartholomew.

For example, to change a piece of text to all-caps, use the upper helper:

{{ upper "hello" }}

The above will render HELLO.

Note that you can create custom template helpers using Rhai scripts.

Defined Helper Functions

The following helper functions are provided with Bartholomew

  • upper STRING: converts the given string to uppercase
  • lower STRING: converts the given string to lowercase
  • date_format STRING DATE: Formats a date using the given string. date "%Y" Use strftime format.
  • now STRING: Formats the current date using the given string. This uses the same format as above.
  • trim STRING: Remove whitespace from beginning and end of string.
  • trunc UINT STRING: Truncate the string to length UINT.
  • abbrev UINT STRING: Shorten the string to UINT with elipses. For example abbrev 8 "Functions Example" returns Funct....
  • plural INT SINGULAR_STRING PLURAL_STRING: If INT is 1, return the singular form. Otherwise return plural: plural 1 "apple" "apples" returns apple. But if we change 1 to 2 (or 0) it will return apples.

Values Reference

The following values are available in the template. This is formatted in YAML for readability. The four top-level objects are:

  • page: The content for the current page
  • site: Info about the entire site
  • env: Information about the environment variables.
  • request - Information about the browser, HTTP request and other spin information.

To reference a particular value, use dotted notation. For example, page has a head, which has the page’s title. To access the title, use {{ page.head.title }}:

# Page holds data specific to the page that matches the URI. For example, the URI /foo loads page data from /content/
    # The info from the TOML head:
        date: "2022-01-11T20:08:47Z" # In templates, use `date_format "%B %m, %Y"` to format
        title: "WebAssembly Language Support Matrix" # The H1 title
        description: "Tracking the programming languages that compile to WebAssembly (Wasm)."
        template: "page"
        tags: ["webassembly", "programming languages", "javascript", "python", "rust", "dotnet", "ruby"]

        extra: # Remember that everything in extra is optional, so wrap in #if
            author: "Fermyon Staff"
            author_page: "/author/"
            image: "/static/some/thing.png"
            last_modified: "2022-01-11T20:08:47Z" # Only if the page is modified
    body: "The HTML content"
    published: true # Set to false if either manually disabled by author or if `date` is in the future

# Site holds sitewide data
    # Info keeps all of the information from `site.toml`
        title: "The site title"
        base_url: "https://something" # Note no trailing slash
        about: "Pithy site summary"
            your_defined_field: "Value"

    pages: # Metadata for every page on the site. Note that there is no guarantee that `body` will be set.
                date: "2022-01-11T20:08:47Z"
                title: "Some title"
                # These are all optional
                description: "Some Description (if set)"
                tags: ["tags", "if", "set"]
                template: "template-if-set"
                # user-defined extras go here
                    any: "extras go here"
            published: true
                # These fields will always be set.
                date: "2022-01-11T20:08:47Z"
                title: "Some other title"
            published: true

env: # Environment variables set in the Bartholomew Wasm module

request: # HTTP request data along with spin information.

Given the above, for example, you can write a template to create a link to the current page:

<a href="{{}}{{env.PATH_INFO}}">{{page.head.title}}</a>

The above will output something like:

<a href="">WebAssembly In Action</a>

Template Functions and Rhai Scripts

The following template functions are built into Bartholomew:

  • upper STRING: Given a string, return an uppercase version (upper "foo" prints FOO)
  • lower STRING: Given a string, return a lowercase version (lower "Hello World" prints hello world)
  • now: Return the current time in the format used by the date field
  • date_format STRING DATE: Given a format string and a date, format the date. (date_format "%B %d, %Y" "2022-01-11T20:08:47Z" produces January 11, 2022)

Next, let’s dive into how site configuration works.