Bartholomew themes

Bartholomew supports theming which allows for easy customization of the site along with the user-defined templates.

Adding a Theme

Once the initial site has been set up using the quickstart section, create a themes folder where you will be able to download different themes:

$ mkdir themes

Once the folder is created, different themes can be added as submodules to the folder which can then in turn be used to theme the site:

$ cd themes
$ git submodule add <Source_to_the_theme>

Multiple themes can be added to the themes directory but only one of them will be active at a given time as described in the next section.

Configuring the Site to Use the Theme

To choose a theme for the website, the theme attribute in config/site.toml must be configured, where the value is the name of the theme as found in the themes/ folder:

title = "Bartholomew Documentation"
base_url = "http://localhost:3000"
about = "The Micro-CMS for WebAssembly and Spin"
theme = "<theme-directory>"

copyright = "Fermyon"
github = ""
twitter = ""
ga_measurement_id = ""

date_style = "%B %e, %Y"

One more step that needs to be done before themes are fully available to the site is to change the static file server component in the spin.toml configuration so that it provides the static assets of the selected theme. The convention of mounting the static assets of the themes before the user-defined static assets is recommended:

source = "modules/spin_static_fs.wasm"
id = "fileserver"
files = [ {source = "themes/<name of theme>/static", destination ="/"}, { source = "static/", destination = "/" }, ]
route = "/static/..."

Template Precedence

When a theme is enabled for a site, both the user-defined and theme-provided assets like the templates, scripts and static assets will be available. If a theme-provided asset and user-provided asset have the same name, the user-defined asset takes precedence. This allows for the user to override the theme to allow for customization.

As an example, if both templates/main.hbs and themes/<name of theme>/templates/main.hbs exist, the user-defined templates/main.hbs takes precedence leading to the rendering engine using the user-defined template overriding the theme.

Creating a Theme

Creating a theme for Bartholomew is easy. Create a new folder and initialize it:

$ mkdir custom_theme
$ cd custom_theme
$ git init

Once the git repository is initialized, create the three required directories:

$ mkdir templates scripts static

Create the custom theme by placing the handlebar templates in the template/ folder while the Rhai scripts are placed in the scripts/ folder. All the static assets such as the images, JS and CSS are placed in the static folder. For reference on creating templates, refer to the templates section.

Once the required changes are done, commit and push the changes to a remote repository, so as to allow for the theme to cloned as a submodule that can be used for theming a site.

Let’s take a look at how you can do something special in your templates using scripting.