Fermyon provides a cloud plugin for the Spin CLI for you to manage Spin applications in Fermyon Cloud. This page documents the spin cloud command. Specifically, all of the available options and subcommands. For more information on subcommand stability, see the subcommands stability table. You can reproduce the Spin Cloud command documentation on your machine by using the --help flag. For example:
$ spin cloud --help
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
deploy Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
login Login to Fermyon Cloud
variables Manage Spin application variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud --help
spin cloud <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
deploy Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
login Login to Fermyon Cloud
sqlite Manage Fermyon Cloud SQLite databases
variables Manage Spin application variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud --help
spin cloud <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
apps Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
deploy Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
login Login to Fermyon Cloud
sqlite Manage Fermyon Cloud NoOps SQL databases
variables Manage Spin application variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud --help
spin cloud <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
apps Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
deploy Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
login Login to Fermyon Cloud
sqlite Manage Fermyon Cloud NoOps SQL databases
variables Manage Spin application variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud --help
spin cloud <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
apps Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
deploy Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
login Login to Fermyon Cloud
sqlite Manage Fermyon Cloud NoOps SQL databases
variables Manage Spin application variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud --help
spin cloud <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
apps Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
deploy Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
link Link apps to resources
login Login to Fermyon Cloud
logs Fetch logs for an app from Fermyon Cloud
sqlite Manage Fermyon Cloud SQLite databases
unlink Unlink apps from resources
variables Manage Spin application variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud --help
Fermyon Engineering <engineering@fermyon.com>
spin cloud <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
apps Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
deploy Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
link Link apps to resources
login Log into Fermyon Cloud
logout Log out of Fermyon Cloud
logs Fetch logs for an app from Fermyon Cloud
sqlite Manage Fermyon Cloud SQLite databases
unlink Unlink apps from resources
variables Manage Spin application variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin todo --help
spin cloud <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
apps Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
deploy Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
key-value Manage Fermyon Cloud key value stores
link Link apps to resources
login Log into Fermyon Cloud
logout Log out of Fermyon Cloud
logs Fetch logs for an app from Fermyon Cloud
sqlite Manage Fermyon Cloud SQLite databases
unlink Unlink apps from resources
variables Manage Spin application variables
$ spin cloud apps --help
spin-cloud-apps 0.2.0 (df0e822 2023-09-13)
Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete an app deployed in Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all the apps deployed in Fermyon Cloud
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps --help
Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete an app deployed in Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
info Get details about a deployed app in Fermyon Cloud
list List all the apps deployed in Fermyon Cloud
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps --help
Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete an app deployed in Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
info Get details about a deployed app in Fermyon Cloud
list List all the apps deployed in Fermyon Cloud
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps --help
Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete an app deployed in Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
info Get details about a deployed app in Fermyon Cloud
list List all the apps deployed in Fermyon Cloud
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps --help
Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete an app deployed in Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
info Get details about a deployed app in Fermyon Cloud
list List all the apps deployed in Fermyon Cloud
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps --help
Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete an app deployed in Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
info Get details about a deployed app in Fermyon Cloud
list List all the apps deployed in Fermyon Cloud
$ spin cloud apps delete --help
spin-cloud-apps-delete 0.2.0 (df0e822 2023-09-13)
Delete an app deployed in Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps delete [OPTIONS] <APP>
<APP> Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps delete --help
Delete an app deployed in Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps delete [OPTIONS] <APP>
<APP> Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps delete --help
Delete an app deployed in Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps delete [OPTIONS] <APP>
<APP> Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps delete --help
Delete an app deployed in Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps delete [OPTIONS] <APP>
<APP> Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps delete --help
Delete an app deployed in Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps delete <APP>
<APP> Name of Spin app
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps delete --help
Delete an app deployed in Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps delete <APP>
<APP> Name of Spin app
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
$ spin cloud apps info --help
Get details about a deployed app in Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps info [OPTIONS] <APP>
<APP> Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps info --help
Get details about a deployed app in Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps info [OPTIONS] <APP>
<APP> Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps info --help
Get details about a deployed app in Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps info [OPTIONS] <APP>
<APP> Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps info --help
Get details about a deployed app in Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps info <APP>
<APP> Name of Spin app
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps info --help
Get details about a deployed app in Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps info <APP>
<APP> Name of Spin app
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
$ spin cloud apps list --help
List all the apps deployed in Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps list [OPTIONS]
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps list --help
List all the apps deployed in Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps list [OPTIONS]
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps list --help
List all the apps deployed in Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps list [OPTIONS]
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps list --help
List all the apps deployed in Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps list [OPTIONS]
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps list --help
List all the apps deployed in Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps list
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud apps list --help
List all the apps deployed in Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud apps list
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
$ spin cloud deploy --help
Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
cloud deploy [OPTIONS]
--buildinfo <BUILDINFO>
Build metadata to append to the bindle version
-d, --staging-dir <STAGING_DIR>
Path to assemble the bindle before pushing (defaults to a temporary directory)
-e, --deploy-existing-bindle
Deploy existing bindle if it already exists on bindle server
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-f, --from <APP_MANIFEST_FILE>
The application to deploy. This may be a manifest (spin.toml) file, or a directory
containing a spin.toml file. If omitted, it defaults to "spin.toml" [default: spin.toml]
-h, --help
Print help information
--key-value <KEY_VALUES>
Set a key/value pair (key=value) in the deployed application's default store. Any
existing value will be overwritten. Can be used multiple times
Disable attaching buildinfo [env: SPIN_DEPLOY_NO_BUILDINFO=]
--readiness-timeout <READINESS_TIMEOUT_SECS>
How long in seconds to wait for a deployed HTTP application to become ready. The default
is 60 seconds. Set it to 0 to skip waiting for readiness [default: 60]
-V, --version
Print version information
--variable <VARIABLES>
Set a variable pair (variable=value) in the deployed application. Any existing value
will be overwritten. Can be used multiple times
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud deploy --help
Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud deploy [OPTIONS]
--buildinfo <BUILDINFO>
Build metadata to append to the bindle version
-d, --staging-dir <STAGING_DIR>
Path to assemble the bindle before pushing (defaults to a temporary directory)
-e, --deploy-existing-bindle
Deploy existing bindle if it already exists on bindle server
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-f, --from <APP_MANIFEST_FILE>
The application to deploy. This may be a manifest (spin.toml) file, or a directory
containing a spin.toml file. If omitted, it defaults to "spin.toml" [default: spin.toml]
-h, --help
Print help information
--key-value <KEY_VALUES>
Set a key/value pair (key=value) in the deployed application's default store. Any
existing value will be overwritten. Can be used multiple times
Disable attaching buildinfo [env: SPIN_DEPLOY_NO_BUILDINFO=]
--readiness-timeout <READINESS_TIMEOUT_SECS>
How long in seconds to wait for a deployed HTTP application to become ready. The default
is 60 seconds. Set it to 0 to skip waiting for readiness [default: 60]
-V, --version
Print version information
--variable <VARIABLES>
Set a variable (variable=value) in the deployed application. Any existing value will be
overwritten. Can be used multiple times
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud deploy --help
Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud deploy [OPTIONS]
--buildinfo <BUILDINFO>
Build metadata to append to the bindle version
-d, --staging-dir <STAGING_DIR>
Path to assemble the bindle before pushing (defaults to a temporary directory)
-e, --deploy-existing-bindle
Deploy existing bindle if it already exists on bindle server
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-f, --from <APP_MANIFEST_FILE>
The application to deploy. This may be a manifest (spin.toml) file, or a directory
containing a spin.toml file. If omitted, it defaults to "spin.toml" [default: spin.toml]
-h, --help
Print help information
--key-value <KEY_VALUES>
Set a key/value pair (key=value) in the deployed application's default store. Any
existing value will be overwritten. Can be used multiple times
Disable attaching buildinfo [env: SPIN_DEPLOY_NO_BUILDINFO=]
--readiness-timeout <READINESS_TIMEOUT_SECS>
How long in seconds to wait for a deployed HTTP application to become ready. The default
is 60 seconds. Set it to 0 to skip waiting for readiness [default: 60]
-V, --version
Print version information
--variable <VARIABLES>
Set a variable (variable=value) in the deployed application. Any existing value will be
overwritten. Can be used multiple times
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud deploy --help
Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud deploy [OPTIONS]
Specifies to perform `spin build` before deploying the application [env:
--buildinfo <BUILDINFO>
Build metadata to append to the oci tag
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-f, --from <APP_MANIFEST_FILE>
The application to deploy. This may be a manifest (spin.toml) file, or a directory
containing a spin.toml file. If omitted, it defaults to "spin.toml" [default: spin.toml]
-h, --help
Print help information
--key-value <KEY_VALUES>
Set a key/value pair (key=value) in the deployed application's default store. Any
existing value will be overwritten. Can be used multiple times
Disable attaching buildinfo [env: SPIN_DEPLOY_NO_BUILDINFO=]
--readiness-timeout <READINESS_TIMEOUT_SECS>
How long in seconds to wait for a deployed HTTP application to become ready. The default
is 60 seconds. Set it to 0 to skip waiting for readiness [default: 60]
-V, --version
Print version information
--variable <VARIABLES>
Set a variable (variable=value) in the deployed application. Any existing value will be
overwritten. Can be used multiple times
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud deploy --help
Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud deploy [OPTIONS]
For local apps, specifies to perform `spin build` before deploying the application [env:
--buildinfo <BUILDINFO>
Build metadata to append to the oci tag
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-f, --from <APPLICATION>
The application to deploy. This may be a manifest (spin.toml) file, a directory
containing a spin.toml file, or a remote registry reference. If omitted, it defaults to
-h, --help
Print help information
--key-value <KEY_VALUES>
Set a key/value pair (key=value) in the deployed application's default store. Any
existing value will be overwritten. Can be used multiple times
Disable attaching buildinfo [env: SPIN_DEPLOY_NO_BUILDINFO=]
--readiness-timeout <READINESS_TIMEOUT_SECS>
How long in seconds to wait for a deployed HTTP application to become ready. The default
is 60 seconds. Set it to 0 to skip waiting for readiness [default: 60]
-V, --version
Print version information
--variable <VARIABLES>
Set a variable (variable=value) in the deployed application. Any existing value will be
overwritten. Can be used multiple times
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud deploy --help
Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud deploy [OPTIONS]
For local apps, specifies to perform `spin build` before deploying the application.
This is ignored on remote applications, as they are already built.
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance
-f, --from <APPLICATION>
The application to deploy. This may be a manifest (spin.toml) file, a directory
containing a spin.toml file, or a remote registry reference. If omitted, it defaults to
-h, --help
Print help information
--key-value <KEY_VALUES>
Set a key/value pair (key=value) in the deployed application's default store. Any
existing value will be overwritten. Can be used multiple times
--readiness-timeout <READINESS_TIMEOUT_SECS>
How long in seconds to wait for a deployed HTTP application to become ready. The default
is 60 seconds. Set it to 0 to skip waiting for readiness
[default: 60]
-V, --version
Print version information
--variable <VARIABLES>
Set a variable (variable=value) in the deployed application. Any existing value will be
overwritten. Can be used multiple times
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud deploy --help
Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud deploy [OPTIONS]
For local apps, specifies to perform `spin build` before deploying the application.
This is ignored on remote applications, as they are already built.
-f, --from <APPLICATION>
The application to deploy. This may be a manifest (spin.toml) file, a directory
containing a spin.toml file, or a remote registry reference. If omitted, it defaults to
-h, --help
Print help information
--key-value <KEY_VALUES>
Set a key/value pair (key=value) in the deployed application's default store. Any
existing value will be overwritten. Can be used multiple times
--link <LINKS>
Specifies how application labels (such as SQLite databases) should be linked if they are
not already linked. This is intended for non-interactive environments such as release
pipelines; therefore, if any links are specified, all links must be specified.
Links must be of the form 'sqlite:label=database'. Databases that do not exist will be
--readiness-timeout <READINESS_TIMEOUT_SECS>
How long in seconds to wait for a deployed HTTP application to become ready. The default
is 60 seconds. Set it to 0 to skip waiting for readiness
[default: 60]
-V, --version
Print version information
--variable <VARIABLES>
Set a variable (variable=value) in the deployed application. Any existing value will be
overwritten. Can be used multiple times
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud deploy --help
Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud deploy [OPTIONS]
For local apps, specifies to perform `spin build` before deploying the application.
This is ignored on remote applications, as they are already built.
-f, --from <APPLICATION>
The application to deploy. This may be a manifest (spin.toml) file, a directory
containing a spin.toml file, or a remote registry reference. If omitted, it defaults to
-h, --help
Print help information
--key-value <KEY_VALUES>
Set a key/value pair (key=value) in the deployed application's default store. Any
existing value will be overwritten. Can be used multiple times
--link <LINKS>
Specifies how application labels (such as SQLite databases) should be linked if they are
not already linked. This is intended for non-interactive environments such as release
pipelines; therefore, if any links are specified, all links must be specified.
Links must be of the form 'sqlite:label=database' or 'kv:label=store'. Databases or key
value stores that do not exist will be created.
--readiness-timeout <READINESS_TIMEOUT_SECS>
How long in seconds to wait for a deployed HTTP application to become ready. The default
is 60 seconds. Set it to 0 to skip waiting for readiness
[default: 60]
-V, --version
Print version information
--variable <VARIABLES>
Set a variable (variable=value) in the deployed application. Any existing value will be
overwritten. Can be used multiple times
$ spin cloud help
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
deploy Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
login Login to Fermyon Cloud
variables Manage Spin application variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud help
spin cloud <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
deploy Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
login Login to Fermyon Cloud
sqlite Manage Fermyon Cloud SQLite databases
variables Manage Spin application variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud help
spin cloud <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
apps Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
deploy Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
login Login to Fermyon Cloud
sqlite Manage Fermyon Cloud NoOps SQL databases
variables Manage Spin application variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud help
spin cloud <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
apps Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
deploy Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
login Login to Fermyon Cloud
sqlite Manage Fermyon Cloud NoOps SQL databases
variables Manage Spin application variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud help
spin cloud <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
apps Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
deploy Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
link Link apps to resources
login Login to Fermyon Cloud
sqlite Manage Fermyon Cloud NoOps SQL databases
unlink Unlink apps from resources
variables Manage Spin application variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud help
spin cloud <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
apps Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
deploy Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
link Link apps to resources
login Login to Fermyon Cloud
logs Fetch logs for an app from Fermyon Cloud
sqlite Manage Fermyon Cloud SQLite databases
unlink Unlink apps from resources
variables Manage Spin application variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud help
Fermyon Engineering <engineering@fermyon.com>
spin cloud <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
apps Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
deploy Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
link Link apps to resources
login Log into Fermyon Cloud
logout Log out of Fermyon Cloud
logs Fetch logs for an app from Fermyon Cloud
sqlite Manage Fermyon Cloud SQLite databases
unlink Unlink apps from resources
variables Manage Spin application variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud help
spin cloud <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
apps Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
deploy Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
key-value Manage Fermyon Cloud key value stores
link Link apps to resources
login Log into Fermyon Cloud
logout Log out of Fermyon Cloud
logs Fetch logs for an app from Fermyon Cloud
sqlite Manage Fermyon Cloud SQLite databases
unlink Unlink apps from resources
variables Manage Spin application variables
$ spin cloud key-value --help
Manage Fermyon Cloud key value stores
spin cloud key-value <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
create Create a new key value store
delete Delete a key value store
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List key value stores
rename Rename a key value store. All existing links will automatically link to the
store's new name
set Set a key value pair in a store
$ spin cloud key-value create --help
Create a new key value store
spin cloud key-value create <NAME>
<NAME> The name of the key value store
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
$ spin cloud key-value delete --help
Delete a key value store
spin cloud key-value delete [OPTIONS] <NAME>
<NAME> The name of the key value store
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
-y, --yes Skips prompt to confirm deletion of the key value store
$ spin cloud key-value list --help
List key value stores
spin cloud key-value list [OPTIONS]
-a, --app <APP> Filter list by an app
--format <FORMAT> Format of list [default: table] [possible values: table, json]
-g, --group-by <GROUP_BY> Grouping strategy of tabular list [default: app] [possible values:
app, store]
-h, --help Print help information
-s, --store <STORE> Filter list by a key value store
-V, --version Print version information
$ spin cloud key-value rename --help
Rename a key value store. All existing links will automatically link to the store's new name
spin cloud key-value rename <NAME> <NEW_NAME>
<NAME> Current name of key value store to rename
<NEW_NAME> New name for the key value store
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
$ spin cloud key-value set --help
Set a key value pair in a store
spin cloud key-value set [OPTIONS] [KEY_VALUES]...
<KEY_VALUES>... A key/value pair (key=value) to set in the store. Any existing value will
be overwritten. Can be used multiple times
-a, --app <APP> App to which label relates
-h, --help Print help information
-l, --label <LABEL> Label of the key value store to set pairs in
-s, --store <STORE> The name of the key value store
-V, --version Print version information
$ spin cloud link --help
Link apps to resources
spin cloud <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
apps Manage applications deployed to Fermyon Cloud
deploy Package and upload an application to the Fermyon Cloud
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
link Link apps to resources
login Login to Fermyon Cloud
sqlite Manage Fermyon Cloud NoOps SQL databases
unlink Unlink apps from resources
variables Manage Spin application variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud link --help
Link apps to resources
spin cloud link <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
sqlite Link an app to a SQLite database
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud link --help
Link apps to resources
spin cloud link <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
sqlite Link an app to a SQLite database
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud link --help
Link apps to resources
spin cloud link <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
key-value Link an app to a key value store
sqlite Link an app to a SQLite database
$ spin cloud link key-value --help
spin cloud link key-value --app <APP> --store <STORE> <LABEL>
<LABEL> The name by which the application will refer to the key value store
-a, --app <APP> The app that will be using the key value store
-h, --help Print help information
-s, --store <STORE> The key value store that the app will refer to by the label
-V, --version Print version information
$ spin cloud link sqlite --help
Link an app to a NoOps SQL database
spin cloud link sqlite [OPTIONS] --app <APP> --database <DATABASE> <LABEL>
<LABEL> The name by which the application will refer to the database
-a, --app <APP>
The app that will be using the database
-d, --database <DATABASE>
The database that the app will refer to by the label
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud link sqlite --help
Link an app to a SQLite database
spin cloud link sqlite [OPTIONS] --app <APP> --database <DATABASE> <LABEL>
<LABEL> The name by which the application will refer to the database
-a, --app <APP>
The app that will be using the database
-d, --database <DATABASE>
The database that the app will refer to by the label
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud link sqlite --help
Link an app to a SQLite database
spin cloud link sqlite --app <APP> --database <DATABASE> <LABEL>
<LABEL> The name by which the application will refer to the database
-a, --app <APP> The app that will be using the database
-d, --database <DATABASE> The database that the app will refer to by the label
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud link sqlite --help
Link an app to a SQLite database
spin cloud link sqlite --app <APP> --database <DATABASE> <LABEL>
<LABEL> The name by which the application will refer to the database
-a, --app <APP> The app that will be using the database
-d, --database <DATABASE> The database that the app will refer to by the label
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
$ spin cloud login --help
Login to Fermyon Cloud
cloud login [OPTIONS]
--auth-method <auth-method>
[env: AUTH_METHOD=] [possible values: github, token]
--environment-name <environment-name>
Save the login details under the specified name instead of making them the default. Use
named environments with `spin deploy --environment-name <name>` [env:
-h, --help
Print help information
-k, --insecure
Ignore server certificate errors
List saved logins
Display login status
--token <TOKEN>
Auth Token [env: SPIN_AUTH_TOKEN=]
URL of Fermyon Cloud Instance [env: CLOUD_URL=] [default: https://cloud.fermyon.com/]
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud login --help
spin cloud login [OPTIONS]
--auth-method <auth-method>
[env: AUTH_METHOD=] [possible values: github, token]
--environment-name <environment-name>
Save the login details under the specified name instead of making them the default. Use
named environments with `spin deploy --environment-name <name>` [env:
-h, --help
Print help information
-k, --insecure
Ignore server certificate errors
List saved logins
Display login status
--token <TOKEN>
Auth Token [env: SPIN_AUTH_TOKEN=]
URL of Fermyon Cloud Instance [env: CLOUD_URL=] [default: https://cloud.fermyon.com/]
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud login --help
spin cloud login [OPTIONS]
--auth-method <auth-method>
[env: AUTH_METHOD=] [possible values: github, token]
--environment-name <environment-name>
Save the login details under the specified name instead of making them the default. Use
named environments with `spin deploy --environment-name <name>` [env:
-h, --help
Print help information
-k, --insecure
Ignore server certificate errors
List saved logins
Display login status
--token <TOKEN>
Auth Token [env: SPIN_AUTH_TOKEN=]
URL of Fermyon Cloud Instance [env: CLOUD_URL=] [default: https://cloud.fermyon.com/]
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud login --help
spin cloud login [OPTIONS]
--auth-method <auth-method>
[env: AUTH_METHOD=] [possible values: github, token]
--environment-name <environment-name>
Save the login details under the specified name instead of making them the default. Use
named environments with `spin deploy --environment-name <name>` [env:
-h, --help
Print help information
-k, --insecure
Ignore server certificate errors
List saved logins
Display login status
--token <TOKEN>
Auth Token [env: SPIN_AUTH_TOKEN=]
URL of Fermyon Cloud Instance [env: CLOUD_URL=] [default: https://cloud.fermyon.com/]
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud login --help
spin cloud login [OPTIONS]
--auth-method <auth-method>
[env: AUTH_METHOD=] [possible values: github, token]
--environment-name <environment-name>
Save the login details under the specified name instead of making them the default. Use
named environments with `spin deploy --environment-name <name>` [env:
-h, --help
Print help information
-k, --insecure
Ignore server certificate errors
List saved logins
Display login status
--token <TOKEN>
Auth Token [env: SPIN_AUTH_TOKEN=]
URL of Fermyon Cloud Instance [env: CLOUD_URL=] [default: https://cloud.fermyon.com/]
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud login --help
spin cloud login [OPTIONS]
--auth-method <auth-method>
[env: AUTH_METHOD=] [possible values: github, token]
--environment-name <environment-name>
Save the login details under the specified name instead of making them the default. Use
named environments with `spin deploy --environment-name <name>` [env:
-h, --help
Print help information
-k, --insecure
Ignore server certificate errors
List saved logins
Display login status
--token <TOKEN>
Auth Token [env: SPIN_AUTH_TOKEN=]
URL of Fermyon Cloud Instance [env: CLOUD_URL=] [default: https://cloud.fermyon.com/]
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud login --help
Log into Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud login [OPTIONS]
--auth-method <auth-method> [env: AUTH_METHOD=] [possible values: github, token]
-h, --help Print help information
-k, --insecure Ignore server certificate errors
--list List saved logins
--status Display login status
--token <TOKEN> Auth Token [env: SPIN_AUTH_TOKEN=]
--url <CLOUD_SERVER_URL> URL of Fermyon Cloud Instance [env: CLOUD_URL=] [default:
-V, --version Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud login --help
Log into Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud login [OPTIONS]
--auth-method <auth-method> [env: AUTH_METHOD=] [possible values: github, token]
-h, --help Print help information
-k, --insecure Ignore server certificate errors
--list List saved logins
--status Display login status
--token <TOKEN> Auth Token [env: SPIN_AUTH_TOKEN=]
--url <CLOUD_SERVER_URL> URL of Fermyon Cloud Instance [env: CLOUD_URL=] [default:
-V, --version Print version information
$ spin cloud logout --help
Log out of Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud logout
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud logout --help
Log out of Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud logout
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
$ spin cloud logs --help
Logs fetches app logs from Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud logs [OPTIONS] <APP>
<APP> App name
--environment-name <environment-name>
Use the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin looks for app
in default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
Follow logs output
-h, --help
Print help information
--interval <interval>
Interval in seconds to refresh logs from cloud [default: 2]
--show-timestamps <show-timestamps>
Show timestamps [default: true] [possible values: true, false]
--since <since>
Only return logs newer than a relative duration. The duration format is a number and a
unit, where the unit is 's' for seconds, 'm' for minutes, 'h' for hours or 'd' for days
(e.g. "30m" for 30 minutes ago). The default it 7 days [default: 7d]
--tail <tail>
Number of lines to show from the end of the logs [default: 10]
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud logs --help
Fetch logs for an app from Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud logs [OPTIONS] <APP>
<APP> App name
Follow logs output
-h, --help
Print help information
--interval <interval>
Interval in seconds to refresh logs from cloud [default: 2]
--show-timestamps <show-timestamps>
Show timestamps [default: true] [possible values: true, false]
--since <since>
Only return logs newer than a relative duration. The duration format is a number and a
unit, where the unit is 's' for seconds, 'm' for minutes, 'h' for hours or 'd' for days
(e.g. "30m" for 30 minutes ago). The default it 7 days [default: 7d]
--tail <tail>
Number of lines to show from the end of the logs [default: 10]
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud logs --help
Fetch logs for an app from Fermyon Cloud
spin cloud logs [OPTIONS] <APP>
<APP> App name
Follow logs output
-h, --help
Print help information
--interval <interval>
Interval in seconds to refresh logs from cloud [default: 2]
--show-timestamps <show-timestamps>
Show timestamps [default: true] [possible values: true, false]
--since <since>
Only return logs newer than a relative duration. The duration format is a number and a
unit, where the unit is 's' for seconds, 'm' for minutes, 'h' for hours or 'd' for days
(e.g. "30m" for 30 minutes ago). The default it 7 days [default: 7d]
--tail <tail>
Number of lines to show from the end of the logs [default: 10]
-V, --version
Print version information
$ spin cloud sqlite --help
Manage Fermyon Cloud SQLite databases
spin cloud sqlite <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete a SQLite database
execute Execute SQL against a SQLite database
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all SQLite databases of a user
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite --help
Manage Fermyon Cloud SQLite databases
spin cloud sqlite <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete a NoOps SQL database
execute Execute SQLite statements against a NoOps SQL database
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all NoOps SQL databases of a user
Spin compatibility: `>= v1.3`
$ spin cloud sqlite --help
Manage Fermyon Cloud NoOps SQL databases
spin cloud sqlite <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete a NoOps SQL database
execute Execute SQLite statements against a NoOps SQL database
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all NoOps SQL databases of a user
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite --help
Manage Fermyon Cloud NoOps SQL databases
spin cloud sqlite <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
create Create a NoOps SQL database
delete Delete a NoOps SQL database
execute Execute SQLite statements against a NoOps SQL database
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all NoOps SQL databases of a user
rename Rename a NoOps SQL database
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite --help
Manage Fermyon Cloud NoOps SQL databases
spin cloud sqlite <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
create Create a SQLite database
delete Delete a SQLite database
execute Execute SQL statements against a SQLite database
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all your SQLite databases
rename Rename a SQLite database
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite --help
Manage Fermyon Cloud SQLite databases
spin cloud sqlite <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
create Create a SQLite database
delete Delete a SQLite database
execute Execute SQL statements against a SQLite database
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all your SQLite databases
rename Rename a SQLite database
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite --help
Manage Fermyon Cloud SQLite databases
spin cloud sqlite <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
create Create a SQLite database
delete Delete a SQLite database
execute Execute SQL statements against a SQLite database
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all your SQLite databases
rename Rename a SQLite database. All existing links will automatically link to the
database's new name
$ spin cloud sqlite create --help
Create a NoOps SQL database
spin cloud sqlite create [OPTIONS] <NAME>
<NAME> Name of database to create
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite create --help
Create a SQLite database
spin cloud sqlite create [OPTIONS] <NAME>
<NAME> Name of database to create
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite create --help
Create a SQLite database
spin cloud sqlite create <NAME>
<NAME> Name of database to create
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite create --help
Create a SQLite database
spin cloud sqlite create <NAME>
<NAME> Name of database to create
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
$ spin cloud sqlite delete --help
Delete a SQLite database
spin cloud sqlite delete [OPTIONS] <NAME>
<NAME> Name of database to delete
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
-y, --yes
Skips prompt to confirm deletion of database
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite delete --help
Delete a SQLite database
spin cloud sqlite delete [OPTIONS] <NAME>
<NAME> Name of database to delete
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
-y, --yes
Skips prompt to confirm deletion of database
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite delete --help
Delete a NoOps SQL database
spin cloud sqlite delete [OPTIONS] <NAME>
<NAME> Name of database to delete
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
-y, --yes
Skips prompt to confirm deletion of database
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite delete --help
Delete a NoOps SQL database
spin cloud sqlite delete [OPTIONS] <NAME>
<NAME> Name of database to delete
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
-y, --yes
Skips prompt to confirm deletion of database
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite delete --help
Delete a SQLite database
spin cloud sqlite delete [OPTIONS] <NAME>
<NAME> Name of database to delete
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
-y, --yes
Skips prompt to confirm deletion of database
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite delete --help
Delete a SQLite database
spin cloud sqlite delete [OPTIONS] <NAME>
<NAME> Name of database to delete
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
-y, --yes Skips prompt to confirm deletion of database
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite delete --help
Delete a SQLite database
spin cloud sqlite delete [OPTIONS] <NAME>
<NAME> Name of database to delete
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
-y, --yes Skips prompt to confirm deletion of database
$ spin cloud sqlite execute --help
Execute SQL against a SQLite database
spin cloud sqlite execute [OPTIONS] <NAME> <STATEMENT>
<NAME> Name of database to execute against
<STATEMENT> Statement to execute
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite execute --help
Execute SQL against a SQLite database
spin cloud sqlite execute [OPTIONS] <NAME> <STATEMENT>
<NAME> Name of database to execute against
<STATEMENT> Statement to execute
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite execute --help
Execute SQLite statements against a NoOps SQL database
spin cloud sqlite execute [OPTIONS] <NAME> <STATEMENT>
<NAME> Name of database to execute against
<STATEMENT> Statement to execute
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite execute --help
Execute SQLite statements against a NoOps SQL database
spin cloud sqlite execute [OPTIONS] <NAME> <STATEMENT>
<NAME> Name of database to execute against
<STATEMENT> Statement to execute
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite execute --help
Execute SQL statements against a SQLite database
spin cloud sqlite execute [OPTIONS] <STATEMENT>
<STATEMENT> Statement to execute
-a, --app <APP>
App to which label relates
-d, --database <DATABASE>
Name of database to execute against
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-l, --label <LABEL>
Label of database to execute against
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite execute --help
Execute SQL statements against a SQLite database
spin cloud sqlite execute [OPTIONS] <STATEMENT>
<STATEMENT> Statement to execute
-a, --app <APP> App to which label relates
-d, --database <DATABASE> Name of database to execute against
-h, --help Print help information
-l, --label <LABEL> Label of database to execute against
-V, --version Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite execute --help
Execute SQL statements against a SQLite database
spin cloud sqlite execute [OPTIONS] <STATEMENT>
<STATEMENT> Statement to execute
-a, --app <APP> App to which label relates
-d, --database <DATABASE> Name of database to execute against
-h, --help Print help information
-l, --label <LABEL> Label of database to execute against
-V, --version Print version information
$ spin cloud sqlite help
Manage Fermyon Cloud SQLite databases
spin cloud sqlite <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete a SQLite database
execute Execute SQL against a SQLite database
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all SQLite databases of a user
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite help
Manage Fermyon Cloud SQLite databases
spin cloud sqlite <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete a NoOps SQL database
execute Execute SQLite statements against a NoOps SQL database
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all NoOps SQL databases of a user
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite help
Manage Fermyon Cloud NoOps SQL databases
spin cloud sqlite <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete a NoOps SQL database
execute Execute SQLite statements against a NoOps SQL database
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all NoOps SQL databases of a user
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite help
Manage Fermyon Cloud NoOps SQL databases
spin cloud sqlite <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
create Create a NoOps SQL database
delete Delete a NoOps SQL database
execute Execute SQLite statements against a NoOps SQL database
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all NoOps SQL databases of a user
rename Rename a NoOps SQL database
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite help
Manage Fermyon Cloud SQLite databases
spin cloud sqlite <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
create Create a SQLite database
delete Delete a SQLite database
execute Execute SQL statements against a SQLite database
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all your SQLite databases
rename Rename a SQLite database
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite help
Manage Fermyon Cloud SQLite databases
spin cloud sqlite <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
create Create a SQLite database
delete Delete a SQLite database
execute Execute SQL statements against a SQLite database
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all your SQLite databases
rename Rename a SQLite database
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite help
Manage Fermyon Cloud SQLite databases
spin cloud sqlite <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
create Create a SQLite database
delete Delete a SQLite database
execute Execute SQL statements against a SQLite database
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all your SQLite databases
rename Rename a SQLite database. All existing links will automatically link to the
database's new name
$ spin cloud sqlite list --help
List all SQLite databases of a user
spin cloud sqlite list [OPTIONS]
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite list --help
List all SQLite databases of a user
spin cloud sqlite list [OPTIONS]
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite list --help
List all NoOps SQL databases of a user
spin cloud sqlite list [OPTIONS]
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite list --help
List all NoOps SQL databases of a user
spin cloud sqlite list [OPTIONS]
-a, --app <APP>
Filter list by an app
-d, --database <DATABASE>
Filter list by a database
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
--format <FORMAT>
Format of list [default: table] [possible values: table, json]
-g, --group-by <GROUP_BY>
Grouping strategy of tabular list [default: app] [possible values: app, database]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite list --help
List all your SQLite databases
spin cloud sqlite list [OPTIONS]
-a, --app <APP>
Filter list by an app
-d, --database <DATABASE>
Filter list by a database
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
--format <FORMAT>
Format of list [default: table] [possible values: table, json]
-g, --group-by <GROUP_BY>
Grouping strategy of tabular list [default: app] [possible values: app, database]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite list --help
List all your SQLite databases
spin cloud sqlite list [OPTIONS]
-a, --app <APP> Filter list by an app
-d, --database <DATABASE> Filter list by a database
--format <FORMAT> Format of list [default: table] [possible values: table, json]
-g, --group-by <GROUP_BY> Grouping strategy of tabular list [default: app] [possible values:
app, database]
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite list --help
List all your SQLite databases
spin cloud sqlite list [OPTIONS]
-a, --app <APP> Filter list by an app
-d, --database <DATABASE> Filter list by a database
--format <FORMAT> Format of list [default: table] [possible values: table, json]
-g, --group-by <GROUP_BY> Grouping strategy of tabular list [default: app] [possible values:
app, database]
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
$ spin cloud sqlite rename --help
Rename a NoOps SQL database
spin cloud sqlite rename [OPTIONS] <NAME> <NEW_NAME>
<NAME> Current name of database to rename
<NEW_NAME> New name for the database
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite rename --help
Rename a SQLite database
spin cloud sqlite rename [OPTIONS] <NAME> <NEW_NAME>
<NAME> Current name of database to rename
<NEW_NAME> New name for the database
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite rename --help
Rename a SQLite database
spin cloud sqlite rename <NAME> <NEW_NAME>
<NAME> Current name of database to rename
<NEW_NAME> New name for the database
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud sqlite rename --help
Rename a SQLite database. All existing links will automatically link to the database's new name
spin cloud sqlite rename <NAME> <NEW_NAME>
<NAME> Current name of database to rename
<NEW_NAME> New name for the database
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
$ spin cloud unlink --help
Unlink apps from resources
spin cloud unlink <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
sqlite Unlink an app from a NoOps SQL database
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud unlink --help
Unlink apps from resources
spin cloud unlink <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
sqlite Unlink an app from a SQLite database
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud unlink --help
Unlink apps from resources
spin cloud unlink <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
sqlite Unlink an app from a SQLite database
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud unlink --help
Unlink apps from resources
spin cloud unlink <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
key-value Unlink an app from a key value store
sqlite Unlink an app from a SQLite database
$ spin cloud unlink key-value --help
Unlink an app from a NoOps SQL database
spin cloud unlink sqlite [OPTIONS] --app <APP> <LABEL>
<LABEL> The name by which the application refers to the database
-a, --app <APP>
The app that will be using the database
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
$ spin cloud unlink sqlite --help
Unlink an app from a NoOps SQL database
spin cloud unlink sqlite [OPTIONS] --app <APP> <LABEL>
<LABEL> The name by which the application refers to the database
-a, --app <APP>
The app that will be using the database
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud unlink sqlite --help
Unlink an app from a SQLite database
spin cloud unlink sqlite [OPTIONS] --app <APP> <LABEL>
<LABEL> The name by which the application refers to the database
-a, --app <APP>
The app that will be using the database
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud unlink sqlite --help
Unlink an app from a SQLite database
spin cloud unlink sqlite --app <APP> <LABEL>
<LABEL> The name by which the application refers to the database
-a, --app <APP> The app that will be using the database
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud unlink sqlite --help
Unlink an app from a SQLite database
spin cloud unlink sqlite --app <APP> <LABEL>
<LABEL> The name by which the application refers to the database
-a, --app <APP> The app that will be using the database
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
$ spin cloud variables --help
Manage Spin application variables
cloud variables <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete variable pairs
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all variables of an application
set Set variable pairs
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables --help
Manage Spin application variables
spin cloud variables <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete variables
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all variables of an application
set Set variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables --help
Manage Spin application variables
spin cloud variables <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete variables
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all variables of an application
set Set variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables --help
Manage Spin application variables
spin cloud variables <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete variables
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all variables of an application
set Set variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables --help
Manage Spin application variables
spin cloud variables <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete variables
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all variables of an application
set Set variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables --help
Manage Spin application variables
spin cloud variables <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete variables
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all variables of an application
set Set variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables --help
Manage Spin application variables
spin cloud variables <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete variables
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all variables of an application
set Set variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables --help
Manage Spin application variables
spin cloud variables <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete variables
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all variables of an application
set Set variables
$ spin cloud variables delete --help
Delete variables
cloud variables delete [OPTIONS] --app <app> [VARIABLES_TO_DELETE]...
<VARIABLES_TO_DELETE>... Variable pair to set
--app <app>
Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables delete --help
Delete variables
spin cloud variables delete [OPTIONS] --app <app> [VARIABLES_TO_DELETE]...
<VARIABLES_TO_DELETE>... Variable pair to set
--app <app>
Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables delete --help
Delete variables
spin cloud variables delete [OPTIONS] --app <app> [VARIABLES_TO_DELETE]...
<VARIABLES_TO_DELETE>... Variable pair to set
--app <app>
Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables delete --help
Delete variables
spin cloud variables delete [OPTIONS] --app <app> [VARIABLES_TO_DELETE]...
<VARIABLES_TO_DELETE>... Variable pair to set
--app <app>
Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables delete --help
Delete variables
spin cloud variables delete [OPTIONS] --app <app> [VARIABLES_TO_DELETE]...
<VARIABLES_TO_DELETE>... Variable pair to set
--app <app>
Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables delete --help
Delete variables
spin cloud variables delete [OPTIONS] --app <app> [VARIABLES_TO_DELETE]...
<VARIABLES_TO_DELETE>... Variable pair to set
--app <app>
Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables delete --help
Delete variables
spin cloud variables delete --app <app> [VARIABLES_TO_DELETE]...
<VARIABLES_TO_DELETE>... Variable pair to set
--app <app> Name of Spin app
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables delete --help
Delete variables
spin cloud variables delete --app <app> [VARIABLES_TO_DELETE]...
<VARIABLES_TO_DELETE>... Variable pair to set
--app <app> Name of Spin app
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
$ spin cloud variables help
Manage Spin application variables
cloud variables <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete variables
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all variables of an application
set Set variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables help
Manage Spin application variables
spin cloud variables <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete variables
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all variables of an application
set Set variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables help
Manage Spin application variables
spin cloud variables <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete variables
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all variables of an application
set Set variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables help
Manage Spin application variables
spin cloud variables <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete variables
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all variables of an application
set Set variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables help
Manage Spin application variables
spin cloud variables <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete variables
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all variables of an application
set Set variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables help
Manage Spin application variables
spin cloud variables <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete variables
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all variables of an application
set Set variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables help
Manage Spin application variables
spin cloud variables <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete variables
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all variables of an application
set Set variables
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables help
Manage Spin application variables
spin cloud variables <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
delete Delete variables
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list List all variables of an application
set Set variables
$ spin cloud variables list --help
List all variables of an application
cloud variables list [OPTIONS] --app <app>
--app <app>
Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables list --help
List all variables of an application
spin cloud variables list [OPTIONS] --app <app>
--app <app>
Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables list --help
List all variables of an application
spin cloud variables list [OPTIONS] --app <app>
--app <app>
Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables list --help
List all variables of an application
spin cloud variables list [OPTIONS] --app <app>
--app <app>
Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables list --help
List all variables of an application
spin cloud variables list [OPTIONS] --app <app>
--app <app>
Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables list --help
List all variables of an application
spin cloud variables list [OPTIONS] --app <app>
--app <app>
Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables list --help
List all variables of an application
spin cloud variables list --app <app>
--app <app> Name of Spin app
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables list --help
List all variables of an application
spin cloud variables list --app <app>
--app <app> Name of Spin app
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
$ spin cloud variables set --help
Set variables
cloud variables set [OPTIONS] --app <app> [VARIABLES_TO_SET]...
<VARIABLES_TO_SET>... Variable pair to set
--app <app>
Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables set --help
Set variables
spin cloud variables set [OPTIONS] --app <app> [VARIABLES_TO_SET]...
<VARIABLES_TO_SET>... Variable pair to set
--app <app>
Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables set --help
Set variables
spin cloud variables set [OPTIONS] --app <app> [VARIABLES_TO_SET]...
<VARIABLES_TO_SET>... Variable pair to set
--app <app>
Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables set --help
Set variables
spin cloud variables set [OPTIONS] --app <app> [VARIABLES_TO_SET]...
<VARIABLES_TO_SET>... Variable pair to set
--app <app>
Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables set --help
Set variables
spin cloud variables set [OPTIONS] --app <app> [VARIABLES_TO_SET]...
<VARIABLES_TO_SET>... Variable pair to set
--app <app>
Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables set --help
Set variables
spin cloud variables set [OPTIONS] --app <app> [VARIABLES_TO_SET]...
<VARIABLES_TO_SET>... Variable pair to set
--app <app>
Name of Spin app
--environment-name <environment-name>
Deploy to the Fermyon instance saved under the specified name. If omitted, Spin deploys
to the default unnamed instance [env: FERMYON_DEPLOYMENT_ENVIRONMENT=]
-h, --help
Print help information
-V, --version
Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables set --help
Set variables
spin cloud variables set --app <app> [VARIABLES_TO_SET]...
<VARIABLES_TO_SET>... Variable pair to set
--app <app> Name of Spin app
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
Spin compatibility: >= v1.3
$ spin cloud variables set --help
Set variables
spin cloud variables set --app <app> [VARIABLES_TO_SET]...
<VARIABLES_TO_SET>... Variable pair to set
--app <app> Name of Spin app
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
Subcommand Stability Table
CLI commands have four phases that indicate levels of stability:
Experimental: These commands are experiments and may or may not be available in later versions of the CLI.
Stabilizing: These commands have moved out of the experimental phase and we are now in the active process of stabilizing them. This includes updating flags, command output, errors, and more.
Stable: These commands have moved out of the stablizing phase and will not change in backwards incompatible ways until the next major version release.
Deprecated: Support for these commands will be removed in a future release.