Persistent Data: PostgreSQL
- PostgreSQL
- Spin and Fermyon Cloud
- Using Spin Application Templates
- Creating Our New Spin Application
- CSharp
- Wizer
- Spin Build
- Spin Deploy
PostgreSQL, is a powerful, open-source object-relational database system that has earned a strong reputation for reliability, robustness and performance. This tutorial will implement a persistent storage solution for Fermyon Cloud, using PostgreSQL. In this tutorial, we will be using ElephantSQL’s free PostgreSQL service.
Spin and Fermyon Cloud
First, you need to have Spin installed on your computer. Please use the official Fermyon Cloud Quickstart to both install Spin and also log in to Fermyon Cloud.
Using Spin Application Templates
The Spin CLI facilitates the creation of new Spin applications through the use of application templates. You can install Spin application templates using the official Spin CLI documentation. The template we are interested in, for this tutorial, is the experimental http-csharp
template. We can go ahead and install it using the following command:
$ spin templates install --git --branch main --update
The output from the command above will be similar to the following:
Copying remote template source
Installing template http-csharp...
Installed 1 template(s)
| Name Description |
| http-csharp HTTP request handler using C# (EXPERIMENTAL) |
Creating Our New Spin Application
The official Spin CLI documentation also has instructions on how to create a new Spin application, from an existing template. Using the docs as a reference, we can perform the following:
$ spin new http-csharp httpCSharpApplication
Project description: A new http-csharp spin application
HTTP base: /
HTTP path: /data
using Fermyon.Spin.Sdk;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
namespace httpCSharpApplication;
public static class Handler {
public static HttpResponse HandleHttpRequest(HttpRequest request) {
if (request.Url == Warmup.DefaultWarmupUrl) {
return new HttpResponse();
var connectionString = "user=username password=password dbname=databasename host=";
var result = PostgresOutbound.Query(connectionString, "SELECT * FROM myTable");
var responseText = new StringBuilder();
responseText.AppendLine($"Got {result.Rows.Count} row(s)");
responseText.AppendLine($"COL: [{String.Join(" | ", result.Columns.Select(FmtCol))}]");
string FmtEntry(DbValue v) {
return v.Value() switch {
null => "<DBNULL>",
var val => val.ToString() ?? "<NULL>",
foreach(var row in result.Rows) {
responseText.AppendLine($"ROW: [{String.Join(" | ", row.Select(FmtEntry))}]");
return new HttpResponse {
StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK,
BodyAsString = responseText.ToString(),
private static string FmtCol(PgColumn c) {
return $ "{c.Name} ({c.DataType})";
Wizer is required to successfully build this application. Please go ahead and install Wizer using the following command:
$ cargo install wizer --all-features
Spin Build
To build the application, use the following command:
$ spin build
Spin Deploy
To deploy the application, use the deploy command:
$ spin deploy
The above deploy command will produce similar output to the following:
Deployed httpCSharpApplication version 1.0.0+XXXXXXXX
Available Routes:
Visiting the above URL will show your data in the browser’s body.