Configuring Spin Application Variables and Secrets
- Prerequisites
- Adding Variables to an Application Component
- Using Variables in a Spin Application
- Deploying the Application to Fermyon Cloud
Spin supports dynamic application variables. Instead of being static, their values can be updated without modifying the application, creating a simpler experience for rotating secrets, updating API endpoints, and more.
These variables are defined in a Spin application manifest (in the [variables]
section) and are provided by a configuration provider. When using Spin locally, the configuration provider can be Vault for secrets or host environment variables. You can refer to the dynamic configuration documentation to learn how to configure variables locally. In Fermyon Cloud, you can set and update variables for Spin applications using the spin cloud variables
This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a simple application that validates passwords. If you prefer to learn through video, you can follow along with this recording.
Before starting, ensure that you have Spin v1.3.0 or greater installed on your computer. You can follow the official Fermyon Cloud Quickstart guide to install Spin and log into Fermyon Cloud.
Ensure that you have Python 3.10 or later installed on your system. You can check your Python version by running:
python3 --version
If you do not have Python 3.10 or later, you can install it by following the instructions here.
Since this example is written in Python, make sure you have the required tools installed to write Spin applications in Python. The Spin CLI facilitates the creation of new Spin applications using application templates. In this tutorial, we will use the http-py
template that provides a requirements.txt
file to handle dependencies:
# As shown above, we install the Python SDK (which provides us with Spin's http-py template)
$ spin templates install --git --update
Once we have the Spin template(s) from the spin-python-sdk
repository we can scaffold out a new app. For this example, we will be using the http-py
template. The scaffolded app, that the http-py
template creates, has a requirements.txt
file that facilitates the installation of spin-sdk
and componentize-py
. While you could manually install these using Pip, the requirements.txt
file has the appropriate version numbers set making the process quicker and also more robust. Let’s create a new Spin app and install the contents of requirements.txt
# We then create our app using http-py
$ spin new -t http-py pw_checker --accept-defaults
Once the component is created, we can change into the pw_checker
directory, create and activate a virtual environment and then install the component’s requirements:
# Change into the app directory
$ cd pw_checker
Create a virtual environment directory (we are still inside the Spin app directory):
# python<version> -m venv <virtual-environment-name>
$ python3 -m venv venv-dir
Activate the virtual environment (this command depends on which operating system you are using):
# macOS & Linux command to activate
$ source venv-dir/bin/activate
If you are using Windows, use the following commands:
C:\Work> python3 -m venv venv
C:\Work> venv\Scripts\activate
The (venv-dir)
will prefix your terminal prompt now:
(venv-dir) user@123-456-7-8 pw_checker %
The requirements.txt
, by default, contains the references to the spin-sdk
and componentize-py
packages. These can be installed in your virtual environment using the following command:
# Now we can install Componentize-Py and the Spin SDK via the requirements file
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Adding Variables to an Application Component
Our application receives a password via the HTTP request body, compares it to an expected password, and returns a JSON response indicating whether the submitted password matches or not.
In reality, you’d have multiple usernames and password hashes in a database, but for this tutorial, we will configure the expected password using a Spin application variable. We’ll name the variable password
and set required = true
since there is no reasonable default value. To do this, add a top-level [variables]
section to the application manifest (spin.toml
) and declare the variable within it:
# Add the [variables] above the [] section, as shown below
secret = { required = true }
source = "app.wasm"
To surface the variable to the pw-checker
component, add a []
section in the component and specify the variable within it. Instead of statically assigning the value of the config variable, we are referencing the dynamic variable with mustache-inspired string templates. Only components that explicitly use the variables in their configuration section will get access to them. This enables only exposing variables and secrets to the desired components of an application:
# Add the [] below the [] section, as shown below
command = "componentize-py -w spin-http componentize app -o app.wasm"
watch = ["*.py", "requirements.txt"]
password = "{{ secret }}"
The resulting application manifest should look similar to the following:
spin_manifest_version = 2
name = "pw_checker"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Your Name <>"]
description = "A Spin app with a dynamically updatable variable"
route = "/..."
component = "pw-checker"
secret = { required = true }
source = "target/wasm32-wasi/release/pw_checker.wasm"
allow_outbound_hosts = []
command = "cargo build --target wasm32-wasi --release"
watch = ["src/**/*.rs", "Cargo.toml"]
password = "{{ secret }}"
Using Variables in a Spin Application
Now that we have defined our variables and surfaced them to our component, we are ready to implement our Spin application. The application should get the user-provided password from the body of the HTTP request, compare it to the expected password set in our configuration variable, and authenticate accordingly. We will use the Spin spin_config
module to retrieve the value of the password
from spin_sdk.http import IncomingHandler, Request, Response
from spin_sdk.variables import get
class IncomingHandler(IncomingHandler):
def handle_request(self, request: Request) -> Response:
password = request.body.decode("utf-8")
expected = get("password")
access = "denied"
if expected == password:
access = "accepted"
response = f'{{"authentication": "{access}"}}'
return Response(
{"content-type": "application/json"},
bytes(response, "utf-8"))
Build and run the application locally to test it out. We will use the environment variable provider to set the variable values locally. The provider gets the variable values from the spin
process’s environment, searching for environment variables prefixed with SPIN_VARIABLE_
$ spin build
Building component pw-checker with `spin py2wasm app -o app.wasm`
Spin-compatible module built successfully
Finished building all Spin components
$ SPIN_VARIABLE_SECRET="123" spin up
Send a request to the application with the correct password in the body to authenticate successfully:
$ curl -d "123"
{"authentication": "accepted"}
Deploying the Application to Fermyon Cloud
Let’s deploy our application to the cloud with initial values for our variables. All values are stored encrypted:
$ spin deploy --variable secret="123"
Uploading pw_checker version 0.1.0+r7123456 to Fermyon Cloud...
Waiting for application to become ready........... ready
Available Routes:
pw-checker: (wildcard)
Check if we can authenticate again using the deployed application:
$ curl -d "123"
{"authentication": "accepted"}
We’re in! Now, let’s update one of the variables and observe how it dynamically changes. Fermyon provides cloud
plugin for the Spin CLI, for you to manage Spin applications in Fermyon Cloud. The variables
subcommand allows you to set
, list
, and delete
application variables.
Set a new password and observe that access is now denied:
$ spin cloud variables set password="456" --app "pw_checker"
$ curl -d "123"
{"authentication": "denied"}
The spin cloud variables
command can also be used to list application variables. Only names are listed, as values remain secret:
$ spin cloud variables list --app "pw_checker"
Congratulations 🎉! You’ve built and deployed your first dynamically configurable Spin application.
If you want to do more with your Spin applications, check out tutorials on persisting data in Fermyon Cloud, whether with the built-in key/value service, Redis, or PostgreSQL.