Persistent Data: Redis


Redis, is an open-source data store used by millions of developers as a database, cache, streaming engine, and message broker. This tutorial will implement a persistent storage solution for Fermyon Cloud, using Redis. In this tutorial, we will be using Redis Labs’ free Redis service.

Spin and Fermyon Cloud

First, you need to have Spin installed on your computer. Please use the official Fermyon Cloud Quickstart to both install Spin and also log in to Fermyon Cloud.

Using Spin Application Templates

The Spin CLI facilitates the creation of new Spin applications through the use of application templates. You can install Spin application templates using the official Spin CLI documentation. For example:

$ spin templates install --git --update

The output from the command above will be similar to the following:

Copying remote template source
// --snip--
Installing template http-rust...
// --snip--

Installed 8 template(s)

| Name         Description                                        |
| // --snip--                                                     |
| http-rust     HTTP request handler using Rust                   |

The template we are interested in is http-rust.

Creating Our New Spin Application

The official Spin CLI documentation also has instructions on how to create a new Spin application. Let’s go ahead and create a new http-rust application:

$ spin new -t http-rust

The above command will ask you to enter a name, description and HTTP path (hit enter to accept the default /... HTTP path value when presented):

Enter a name for your new application: redisRustApplication
Description []: A new Redis Spin Application.
HTTP path: /...

You can change these values later, in the project’s spin.toml file.


To create your free database go to For this tutorial, we are signing up using GitHub authentication.

Note: Programmatic access to the Redis cloud console (Redis Rest API) requires a Redislabs paid plan, so we will just be using the free tier for this tutorial.

Once you have logged in to Redislabs click on the Data Access Control and Databases menus (in the left sidebar) to create roles/users and a new Redis database. Be sure to acknowledge the usernames, passwords and database URLs (provided during setup) as we will be using these to configure our Spin application. Please see the Redis docs for additional information.


Open the Spin application’s spin.toml file and add an environment configuration value, within the [component.redis-rust-application] section. For example:

environment = { REDIS_ADDRESS = "redis://" }

Note: As shown above; the format for the address is the redis protocol (redis://, username, colon (:), password, then the at symbol (@), database name, colon (:) and finally the port number. You can obtain these values from the Redislabs site from the previous step.

You will also need explicitly add the addresses (your Redis database endpoint) to the manifest so that the Wasm component is allowed to send network requests to it. The following example that defines allowed_outbound_hosts needs to go within the [component.redis-rust-application] section, also.

allowed_outbound_hosts = ["redis://"]

Spin SDK’s Redis Implementation

In this tutorial we will create the code to store and retrieve data from a Redislabs database.


The following is the content which is required in the src/ file. Feel free to cut and paste the following, for convenience:

use anyhow::anyhow;
use spin_sdk::http::{IntoResponse, Request, ResponseBuilder};
use spin_sdk::http_component;
use spin_sdk::redis;


fn handle_data_on_redis(_req: Request) -> anyhow::Result<impl IntoResponse> {
    let address = std::env::var(REDIS_ADDRESS_ENV)?;
    let conn = redis::Connection::open(&address)?;
    let key = "spin-example";

    // Set the Redis key "spin-example" to value "Eureka Fermyon Cloud!"
    conn.set(key, &b"Eureka Fermyon Cloud!"[..].to_vec())
        .map_err(|_| anyhow!("Error executing Redis set command"))?;

    // Get the value from the Redis key "spin-example"
    let payload = conn.get(key).map_err(|_| anyhow!("Error querying Redis"))?;

    // Return the permanently stored value to the user's browser body
        .header("Content-Type", "text/plain")
        .header("x-key", key)

Log Into Fermyon Cloud

We need to log into Fermyon Cloud, so that we can build/deploy our application. For example:

$ spin login

Spin Build

We build this application by typing the following command:

$ spin build

The output from the above command will look similar to the following:

Executing the build command for component redis-rust-application: cargo build --target wasm32-wasi --release
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.09s
Successfully ran the build command for the Spin components.

Spin Deploy

To deploy the application, use the deploy command:

$ spin deploy

The above deploy command will produce similar output to the following:

Deployed redisRustApplication version 0.1.0+XXXXXXXX
Application is running at

Visiting the URL, which is provided by the spin deploy command’s output will show the Eureka Cloud! value for the spin-example key which is stored in Redis.