Upgrade an Application

Upgrading your application is as simple as redeploying after you’ve made changes to your application code or version.

Upgrade Your Application

When upgrading a Spin application running in the Fermyon Cloud, you may wish to change the version of your application when code changes have been made. This is an optional step.

  1. Open the spin.toml file. In the file, you’ll find this line of code for the version:
version = "0.1.0"

In this case, we’re changing the version from 0.1.0 to 0.1.1:

version = "0.1.1"

Whether you’ve just updated your application code or also bumped the version, you can now deploy the upgraded version of your application by running this command:

$ spin deploy

That’s how to upgrade a Spin Application, just as simple as that!

Next Steps